Product recall

Product recall is a worrying prospect for any business, threatening both a financial loss and damage to a company’s brand and reputation.

Our product recall insurance policies provide comprehensive cover for a variety of industries and recall scenarios, ranging from product guarantees and contractor errors, to cyber product tamper and software product safety.

> Check out our latest product recall insurance toolkit

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Product recall

Managing a recall event carefully and quickly is critical to limiting the impact to consumers as well as the manufacturer’s own business.

Explore our product recall products to learn more

Contaminated product recall

Contaminated product recall

Bespoke cover addressing contaminated food & beverage products. Includes business interruption cover, reputation protection, as well as errors by contract manufacturers.

Product recall

Product recall cover for consumer products to automotive parts. Covering rectification costs, loss of sales, ancillary costs, and reputation protection for a variety of recall scenarios including cyber product tamper and software product safety

Restaurant contamination

Bespoke cover addressing contamination events in restaurants

Get an indication for product recall insurance with just three simple pieces of information

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Comprehensive cover for a variety of industries and recall scenarios, ranging from product guarantees and contamination events to cyber product tamper.

Often, the most challenging and expensive part of a recall is keeping the business operational while facing intense public and regulatory scrutiny. Here are some of the most common costs associated with a product recall.

Identifying the issue

• Internal or third-party testing
• Employing experts / consultants
• Closing facilities or suspending production
• Cleaning, fixing or replacing equipment

Identifying the issue

Conducting the recall

• Issuing notices to consumers
• Transporting, storing, destroying or disposing of affected products
• Replacing ingredients, materials or products
• Retailer per store fees
• Overtime for employees
• Crisis communications & PR

Conducting the recall

Business continuity

• Ongoing loss of sales or customers
• Cancelled contracts
• Replacing suppliers or hiring contract manufacturers
• Prolonged interruption of production
• Stalled R&D, M&A or other investments
• Impact of brand & reputational damage

Business continuity

Meet the team

  • Michael Capleton
  • US Product Recall Team Leader
  • Daniel Cooksley
  • Product Recall Underwriter
  • Alfie Cunniffe
  • Product Recall Assistant Underwriter
  • Bethany Jull
  • Product Recall Assistant Underwriter

What does CFC's product recall policy cover?

Product recall insurance helps safeguard a business from the financial impact of a recall, specifically the first and third-party costs associated with identifying and addressing the issue, conducting the recall and keeping the business operational.

Learn more

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