CFC’s products are supported by a team of insurance industry experts and product specialists based out of our European offices.
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Riesgos transaccionales
Nuestras soluciones aseguradoras para operaciones de M&A están estructuradas para respaldar una serie de estrategias de adquisición y gestión de carteras tanto para clientes de capital riesgo como para clientes corporativos.
Key features
- Soluciones para todo el ciclo de vida de la operación
- Rapidez y seguridad
- Equipo especializado en siniestros de M&A
- Experiencia en Europa
Operaciones secundarias
Estas soluciones pueden aplicarse a una amplia gama de estructuras de fusiones y adquisiciones, sectores, tipos de compradores y vendedores y geografías.
Key features
- Soluciones para el mercado secundario
- Conocimientos y experiencia
- Rapidez y seguridad
- Equipo especializado en reclamaciones de fusiones y adquisiciones
Soluciones para riesgos fiscales
Nuestras soluciones aseguradoras para operaciones de M&A están estructuradas para respaldar una serie de estrategias de adquisición y gestión de carteras tanto para clientes de capital riesgo como para clientes corporativos.
Key features
- Pólizas a medida para contingencias fiscales
- Conocimientos y experiencia
- Rapidez y seguridad
- Equipo especializado en siniestros de M&A
Gran empresa
Creada pensando en las empresas globales, esta póliza de seguro cibernético está diseñada para proteger los balances contra el impacto de fallas catastróficas del sistema y violaciones importantes de seguridad. La cobertura incluye responsabilidad de gestión afirmativa, fallas en la cadena de suministro de tecnología y más.
Key features
- Deducible nulo por respuesta a incidentes
- Responsabilidad de los altos funcionarios por eventos cibernéticos
- Fallo en la cadena de suministro de tecnología
- Cobertura de riesgo operativo TI

Corporate cyber
Built with global businesses in mind, this cyber insurance policy is designed to protect balance sheets against the impact of catastrophic system failures and major security breaches. Coverage includes affirmative management liability, failures in the technology supply chain and more.
Proactive cyber attack prevention
We provide vulnerability scanning, threat monitoring and real-time cyber attack prevention throughout the lifecycle of your policy to help prevent cyber attacks.
Unrivaled cyber claims and incident response
We have the largest in-house incident response and dedicated claims teams in the market, with realworld experience and deep technical expertise to help get you back online.
Award-winning cyber cover
We offer bespoke, comprehensive cyber cover for corporate enterprises, backed by more than 20 years’ experience in the market.

Transaction liability
Established in 2016, our transaction liability team is made up of over 50 professionals based across CFC’s global office network. We facilitate deals and the allocation of risk using insurance backed solutions to support a range of acquisition and portfolio management strategies for both private equity and corporate clients. These solutions can be applied across a range of M&A structures, sectors, vintage years and geographies.
We actively identify market gaps and develop innovative, commercially-driven solutions. We provide R&W and W&I insurance, buyer protect and seller protect (for deals under €20m), tax, secondaries, contingent, energy, real estate and renewables M&A transactions, excess insurance for fundamental representations, embedded insurance integration into M&A platforms, portfolio solution/roll-up acquisition insurance and transatlantic coverage for cross-border deals.
We have insured over 2,000 deals across a range of industries worth over €540bn of deal value. Our global team of specialists is made up of M&A lawyers, accountants, investment bankers, insurance professionals and tax advisors which give us unparalleled knowledge and insight into the sectors and industries we underwrite. We view our role in transactions as deal facilitators and work collaboratively with clients to understand issues and ringfence risk. We recognise and respect the trust that our clients place in us.
Limit & appetite
We underwrite on behalf of Lloyd’s of London syndicates and insurance companies all of whom are rated “A” or better (AM best). We have the ability to underwrite up to €25m of limit on a single transaction or $150m of excess coverage for certain fundamental representations. We have appetite to underwrite a range of transactions with a focus on lower-middle market transactions, secondaries, real estate and tax deals.
With an award-winning claims team to support our underwriting team, we'll support you from the moment you make a claim. We have a team of dedicated transaction liability claims handlers based in our London and New York offices. To date, we have handled nearly 300 claims. We pride ourselves on responsiveness, with an acknowledgement sent within 24 hours of receiving a notification and a collaborative and efficient settlement process.
Meet the team: Corporate cyber
- Andrew Prendergast
- Corporate Cyber Practice Leader